Synano participated in Eurotherm-2021 and ASME InterPack-2021 conferences
We are happy to announce that Synano participated in two conferences in 2021 and published two conference papers.
The first paper titled- ‘Effect of Nanoparticle Deposition on the Thermal Performance of Evaporator in Thermosyphons’ was presented at the ‘Eurotherm-2021’ conference held virtually on 20-23 September 2021. It was published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2116 and can be accessed through the link . This paper focused on analytical investigation of the effects that deposition of nanoparticles on the evaporator surface of two phase thermosyphon will have on the boiling heat transfer coefficient.
The second paper titled– ‘An Assessment of Effects of Nanofluids on Heat Transfer Performance of Two-Phase Cooling Systems’ was presented at the ‘ASME InterPack-2021’ conference held virtually on 26-28 October 2021. It was published in the International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition proceedings, Vol. 85505 and is available on ASME-2021 digital collection. This is a review paper highlighting the impact of nanoparticle features, concentration, deposition pattern and method on boiling heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux in two phase cooling systems. Associated challenges and recommendations for future commercialization of nanofluids for two phase cooling systems are also discussed.
Synano is participating in 'ADENEAS' consortium to develop nano-coolants for More Electric Aircrafts

Synano is part of the consortium ‘ADENEAS’ – Advanced Data and power Electrical NEtwork Architectures and Systems under the call H2020-MG-2020-SingleStage-INEA. ADENEAS overall mission is to pave the way for the design and development of a safe, light, self-configuring, autonomous and modular power and data distribution network that is scalable to all aircraft sizes. The project will also demonstrate the integration of the data and power network and cooling system, initiate standardisation activities and ensure commercial viability. In order to reduce the weight and improve the efficiency of the existing cooling systems, the ADENEAS project will develop a 2-phase Mechanically Pumped Loop (MPL) cooling system with nano-fluids for power electronics. In this project, Synano plans to use metal, oxide and carbon nanoparticles to develop nanofluids that can be used as heat transfer medium in both single and 2-phase cooling systems. In this 3 year project starting from 2021, Synano will work closely with consortium partners like NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre), Evektor, Collins Aerospace and Fokker Elmo. Find more information about the consortium activities and participating companies at
Synano has started with EU ECSEL project 'BRAINE'

Synano is participating in the consortium ‘BRAINE’ within the scope of “ECSEL Research and Innovation Action (RIA)- Call 2019”. ECSEL (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership) is a partnership between the private and the public sectors for electronic components and systems. The BRAINE’s overall aim is “to boost the development of the Edge Framework and specifically energy efficient hardware and AI empowered software systems, capable of processing Big Data at the Edge, supporting security, data privacy and sovereignty”. In BRAINE, Synano will work closely with consortium partners like Hiro Micro datacenters B.V. and JJ cooling to investigate the energy efficiency enhancement that can be achieved by using nanofluids in thermosyphons and compare the performance with base fluid. The aim is to construct a cooling system enabling Big Data Edge computing to become mobile and independent of typical server cooling infrastructure. The 3 year project began in 2020.
Find more information about the consortium activities and participating companies at
Successful Use of Nanocoolants in Solar Boat

Synano’s nanocoolants helped the TU Delft Solar Boat Team to win the 6th edition of the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge (2019).
The TU Team won the 32 nautical miles Long Race with a focus on maintaining its machine’s range and not speed.
Synano looks forward to supporting TU Delft Solar Boat Team’s new endeavor in 2020!
Synano featured in February edition of C2W (Chemisch2Weekblad) magazine
Synano was featured in the ‘Careers and Start-up’ section of the Chemisch2Weekblad magazine in its february edition. C2W is a platform for professionals in Chemistry and life sciences. The magazine covers innovations all across The Netherlands and has become the largest medium in the fields of chemistry and life science news across Netherlands.
Read the interview by Sana Fateh, founder of Synano where she explains how everyday is a new challenge in nanotechnology startup:
Deerns and Synano are joining forces to make the data center industry more sustainable!
Deerns and Synano will be working together on heat recovering possibilities from data center heat. Data centers use a lot of energy to keep the servers running and on top of this, a lot of extra energy is used to cool the servers down to prevent overheating. This energy is in most cases lost in the environment.
Deerns and Synano will take on the challenge to retrieve as much heat as possible to warm households. Deerns has expertise in thermal architecture and Synano in nano-cooling. Combined, Deerns and Synano can make a significant impact in the heat recovery possibilities from data centers, to make the world more sustainable.
YES!Delft Accelerator Program finished
Synano has finished the Accelerator Program! As Synano is incubated in YES!Delft, it is encouraged to join the Accelerator Program. In the Accelerator Program, start-ups get lectures and workshops to build towards a successful and stable company.
We have learned a great deal on topics such as legal, finances, long term strategy and many more. Next to this, we have met many great people and ideas. On the side, we did not stand still with the product development. We’ve improved our coolants even more to capacities which are 40% higher than currently used coolants. We are all set to get the electronics world faster, smaller and more sustainable.